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Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Go for glow
Warm your pale skin with a sun-free spray tan
Without a hint of orange peel
Banish the ageing rays of sunbeds and book a super quick, top to toe spray tan. This brilliant confidence builder leaves you with a body more beautiful in minutes.
Our beauty expert will build up the perfect number of layers creating a final overall tone that reflects perfectly your bodies natural shades and tones.
3 steps to a better glow
Exfoliate at least 4 hours before your appointment. Use an oil-free light scrub if possible.
Wax or shave at least 24 hours before your tanning session if you need to.
On the day of your booking, make sure that you are free of make-up, deodorant or body lotion as these products can affect the tanning process.
Duration of results: A spray tan can last up to 5 - 10 days, but it can depend on your skin tone. Lighter 5-7 days, medium 7-8 days, darker 8-10 days.
Head to toe spray tan
30 min
40 British pounds