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Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Face the day with confidence with our teen skin treatments & clear skin products.
Smooth Operator
Virtually pain-free waxing so you'll feel the difference
Shave every day, or wax once a month?
Combining only the very best waxing products for all skin types in our very relaxing treatment room, you should leave your session calm and silky smooth.
Our waxing therapist is trained to the highest level and uses both warm and roller wax systems to ensure a virtually pain-free experience.
A quick to-do list
Shower and exfoliate at least 24 hours before your waxing session using a mild body scrub. If possible, a warm shower an hour before your booking helps soften your pores, making the waxing process less painful.
Duration of results: 3 - 4 weeks depending on an individual hair growth cycle.
Waxing services
45 min
40 British pounds30 min
27 British pounds30 min
26 British pounds15 min
15 British pounds